Friday, January 1, 2021

Setting goals for 2021

 I am in the process is setting goals for this year. Things I want to accomplish with the sculpting part of my life. And perhaps some octopus ink painting. 

  1. Business, state, borough

  2. Order clay

  3. Paper...watercolor, tissue for wrapping clay items, and printer paper.

  4. Clean art room(yuk)!

I am not fond of paper work or ordering supplies...but it needs to be done. I tend to forget to do things. Especially if it is not fun!

New Year, New Hope

 I have been really quiet this year. As I think everyone has. Just making it through this year has been  an effort. But here I am.

This is the only thing I actually made last year. She is for my sister, who lives in Fairbanks.

She is so sweet. I made a lovely pair of fuzzy slippers.
She has take me a long time to finish....she is almost ready to mail...I think this week she will be going to her new home.